Create and Then Shatter a Grid - Making a Typographic Poster

Offered By: Envato Tuts+ via YouTube


Typography Courses Graphic Design Courses Poster Design Courses Text Effects Courses

Course Description


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Learn to create a dynamic and visually striking typographic poster by breaking traditional design conventions. Explore techniques for shattering a grid layout to achieve an exciting, grungy aesthetic using Photoshop and Illustrator. Master essential tools and processes including gradient application, text positioning, font manipulation, and advanced effects like distortion. Follow step-by-step instructions to generate unique text layouts, incorporate custom fonts, and apply creative clipping masks and rotations. Develop skills in tracing, object manipulation, and layering to craft a dark, edgy poster that pushes the boundaries of conventional typography design.


Break the Grid
New Page
Gradient Tool
Download Font
Position Text
Changing Letter Colors
Generating Text
Baxi Tutorial
Wordle Tutorial
Illustrator Tutorial
Deleting White Areas
Adding Another Layer
Deleting the Grid
Clipping Mask
Rotate Objects
Add Effects

Taught by

Envato Tuts+

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