Create a Game from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5 - Full Course Part 2
Offered By: UNF Games via YouTube
Course Description
45. Make enemies avoid other enemies
46. Add a Win screen
47. Create the Niagara Script & System
48. Create the Material
49. Create the Enemy Trail
50. Trail Material & System
51. Spark System
52. Spark Continuation
53. Spark Last Touches
54. Impact Hit fire
55. Impact hit sparks
56. Hit Impact Sparks & Implementation
57. Add our Effect to the Blueprint
58. Fire Hit Last Touches
59. Hit VFX
60. Hit VFX Last Touches
61. Hit VFX Placement Fixes
62. Hit Screen Blueprint
63. Hit Screen Blueprint Last Touches
64. Hit Screen Material
65. Flower Material
66. Flower VFX
67. Tweaking Niagara
68. Niagara Sparks
69. Niagara Fixes
70. Create our Level
71. Create the base of our Landscape
72. Sculpt the First area of the level
73. Add a secondary path
74. Create a bigger area
75. How World Partition Works
76. Add more playable areas
77. Finish the Level Design Layout
78. Create the Landscape Material
79. Change Landscape texture tiling
80. Fixing the distance tiling of the Material
81. Organizing the Nodes
82. Add Displacement
83. Create the Material function for the layer
84. Add a second layer for the Landscape
85. Add the rest of Landscape layers
86. Overview of the painting process
87. Add Big elements to your scene
88. Finish the Big elements of the scene
89. How to add Medium Sized Elements to your scene
90. How to create Level Instanced Actors
91. Overview of the Medium elements of the scene
92. Create the rock master material
93. Create the World Masking
94. Add a second layer for the rock
95. Optimization part 1
96. Optmization part 2
97. Test our game
98. Add the Slope mask for the rock material
99. Download Free Assets from Epic Games
100. Create Groups to start using assets
101. Add the Focal point to our level
102. How to decorate the environment using environmental assets
103. Add background elements
104. How to start lighting your environment
105. Add Post Process Volume
106. Add Light Shafts and Lens Flares
107. Add Fog
108. Create the HP Bar mask
109. Create the Material for the HP Bar
110. Add the Material to the Widget
111. Add our UI Avatar
112. Create the Main Menu Button Texture
113. Change the Main Button Widget Style
114. Add the Same Widget Style to the Win widget
115. Change the style of the Title
116. Add our enemies to our level
117. Add our Victory condition
118. How to make your game fun
119. Bug fix: The Player may fall to the ground after respawning on lower end PCs
120. Bug Fix: Enemies no longer attack the player after the previous bug fix
121. Add Camera shake when the player walks
122. Add camera shakes when the player receives damage and for projectiles
123. Add enemy hit animation
124. Add cinematic at the start to show the main quest of the game
Taught by
UNF Games
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