Cracking the Code of Successful Teams - Building Togethership

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


Team Building Courses Leadership Courses Trust Building Courses Interpersonal Communication Courses Organizational Behavior Courses Employee Engagement Courses Team Management Courses Workplace Culture Courses

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Discover the key to building successful teams in this TEDx talk by Max Hunter, Chief Joy Officer and leadership team coach. Explore the concept of Togethership and learn how it can enhance team ownership, trust, and collaboration. Gain insights into creating cohesive, resilient, and effective teams by understanding the four elements of the code that enable Togethership. Drawing from our species' origins, Hunter explains how these insights apply to modern group dynamics. With practical tips and real-world use cases, acquire a fresh perspective on the importance of fostering a team environment primed for success. This 14-minute presentation, delivered at TEDxVUAmsterdam, offers valuable lessons for leaders seeking to unlock their team's full potential.


Cracking the code of successful teams | Max Hunter | TEDxVUAmsterdam

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