C++ - A Complete and Modern Course for Beginners
Offered By: Hitesh Choudhary via YouTube
Course Description
00:00:00 - - intro
00:02:05 - - Welcome to c++ course
00:05:07 - - Prerequisite and tools
00:12:09 - - Understand the entry Point
00:21:59 - - Compare the 2 Hello world
00:29:17 - - Version history and official docs
00:35:51 - - Return type and comments
00:44:31 - - Redefine program in cpp
00:50:57 - - What is namespace in Cpp
00:55:22 - - First iteration of program
01:00:18 - - Can I name that
01:08:10 - - Get the colour and assignment
01:17:32 - - Your first intro to pointers
01:28:13 - - Reference is the actual tough thing in cpp
01:34:38 - - Cpp Array are different with pointers
01:46:04 - - A formal intro to integers
01:57:27 - - Conditional and ternary
02:09:46 - - Conditional as switch
02:17:36 - - While and Do while loop
02:32:46 - - for and range based loop
02:44:10 - - loop with pointers and shortcuts
02:58:04 - - Always use float with caution
03:06:35 - - Why always divide by zero with try catch
03:17:00 - - Sneak peak to functions in cpp
03:25:10 - - linkers qualifiers prefix and postfix
03:39:36 - - Basics of operations
03:46:40 - - Logical AND OR and NOT
03:54:19 - - Bitwise operation in cpp
04:01:18 - - Memory Leak in cpp
04:09:49 - - Get started with structs in cpp
04:21:36 - - Enums and preprocessors
04:28:39 - - A challenge to strongly type language
04:36:17 - - Heap and stack memory
04:51:43 - - Detailed intro to functions
05:06:28 - - How to create header file in cpp
05:17:18 - - Your first intro to templates
05:21:39 - - What are functional pointers
05:28:39 - - nullptr saves the day
05:34:36 - - Factorial and recursion are close friends
05:44:09 - - Lets talk about MACROS
05:58:52 - - Variadic templates and recursion
06:08:59 - - A design example
06:06:07 - - Get started with class and objects
06:23:52 - - Getters and Setters for a data member
06:33:21 - - Method separation and const qualified methods
06:41:43 - - Constructor destructor and rule of 3
07:07:49 - - Disable the constructor
07:10:28 - - THIS is not easy in cpp
07:25:35 - - Inheritance in my favourite
07:31:27 - - Base class Derived class and overriding
07:45:01 - - Friend keyword comes with caution
07:49:29 - - Multiple Inheritance
07:52:34 - - Polymorphism and Virtual
07:59:35 - - What are smart pointers
08:04:10 - - Unique pointers and issues
08:13:06 - - Shared pointers in smart pointers
08:16:54 - - Weak Pointers in smart Pointers
08:20:24 - - Move semantics Lvalue and Rvalue
08:32:48 - - Vectors - Dynamic array
08:48:13 - - Lambda - a small hello
08:56:49 - - Create, rename and delete files
09:04:47 - - Reading and writing into files and MODES
09:13:39 - - Introduction to STL
09:23:30 - - Main components in STL
09:31:07 - - Functions in STL
09:38:02 - - Sort Algo in STL
09:46:05 - - Search Algo to STL
09:50:23 - - Partition and Stable partition in STL
09:57:01 - - Revisiting Vectors in STL
- - List in STL
10:06:18 - - Queue and priority Queue STL
Taught by
Hitesh Choudhary
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