Counting N = 8 Black Holes as Algebraic Varieties

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Theoretical Physics Courses Black Holes Courses Quantum Gravity Courses String Theory Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Supersymmetry Courses Algebraic Variety Courses

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Explore the fascinating world of black hole physics in this lecture on "Counting N = 8 Black Holes as Algebraic Varieties" by Abhishek Chowdhury. Delve into the intersection of quantum gravity, algebraic geometry, and string theory as the speaker presents innovative approaches to understanding and enumerating black hole microstates. Learn how algebraic varieties can be used to model and count N = 8 black holes, providing new insights into their quantum structure and entropy. Gain a deeper understanding of the AdS/CFT correspondence and its applications in black hole physics, as well as the role of supersymmetry in these advanced theoretical frameworks. This talk, part of the "Quantum Information, Quantum Field Theory and Gravity" program at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, offers a unique perspective on cutting-edge research in theoretical physics and mathematics.


Counting N = 8 Black Holes as Algebraic Varieties by Abhishek Chowdhury

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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