Coroutines are Qt - Safer Thread Pools Interactions
Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Motivation - The Ping-Pong Pattern
Running Example: Remarks
Approach 1 - The Qt Way: Qobjects
Approach 2 - Nested Lambdas
Other Approaches
Coroutines - High-Level Overview
Coroutines - Supported Operations
Coroutines - Pseudo-Code
Coroutines in C++
C++ Coroutines - Notable Objects
C++ Coroutines - New Coroutine Operator
C++ Coroutines - Practical Example
C++ Coroutines - Awaitable Interface
C++ Coroutines - co_await on Awaitables
Design Principles
Proposed Solution - 4 Incremental Steps
Self-Dispatching Coroutines - Custom Await
Self-Dispatching Coroutines - Running Exa
Self-Dispatching Coroutines - Recap
Automate Lifetime Checks - Problem State
Automate Lifetime Checks - Example of Desir
Automate Lifetime Checks - Guard clas
Automate Lifetime Checks - Checked Await
Automate Lifetime Checks - Running Exar
2. Automate Lifetime Checks - Recap
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - Fronten
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - Improved
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - Swapp
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - Rec
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - Backen
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - Running
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - Expirit
Guarding Thread-Unsafe Pointers - ToThrea
Final Reworked Example
Final Design - Remarks
Hidden Costs
Taught by
NDC Conferences
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