Conversations About Career Paths for Atmospheric Scientists in the Private Sector

Offered By: AGU via YouTube


American Geophysical Union Courses Career Development Courses Atmospheric Science Courses

Course Description


Explore diverse career paths for atmospheric scientists in the private sector through this informative 58-minute AGU webinar. Gain insights from industry professionals Yi Li, Megan Claflin, and Alex Kubicek as they discuss their roles, work environments, and responsibilities outside academia. Learn about job interview preparation, educational requirements, and the importance of chemistry, math, and physics in the field. Discover the benefits of working in the private sector, including remote work opportunities and international prospects. Understand the differences between academic and industry careers, including communication styles and performance evaluations. Get valuable resources and tips for venturing into the job market, and hear firsthand accounts of the pros and cons of private sector work in atmospheric sciences.


Meet the speakers
Daytoday work
Job interview preparation
Masters vs PhD
Bachelors vs Masters
General science prerequisites
Importance of chemistry math and physics
Freedom of mobility
Remote work
International candidates
How to venture in the job market
Why go to the private sector
Why go to academia
Performance review
Vendor booths
Favorite and least favorite part of private sector work

Taught by


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