Contractive Inequalities for Hardy Spaces

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Analytic Function Spaces Courses Hardy Spaces Courses

Course Description


Explore contractive inequalities for Hardy spaces in this 56-minute lecture by Kristian Seip from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Delve into topics such as Henson's inequality, hyperspace, wrist projection, and critical exponents. Examine infinite dimension concepts, Fourier multipliers, and callsets. Investigate the geometric problem of affine span and explore exotic and bounded operators. Analyze the embedding problem, Hardy point, and gain bonus interpretations. Conclude with a Q&A session to further enhance understanding of these complex mathematical concepts.


Hensons inequality
Wrist projection
Critical exponent
Infinite dimension
Fourier multipliers
Affine span
Geometric problem
Exotic operators
Bounded operators
Embedding problem
Hardy point
Bonus interpretation

Taught by

Fields Institute

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