Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Libvirt and Real Hardware
Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a conference talk that delves into the integration of Jenkins, libvirt, and real hardware for Continuous Integration in Real-Time Linux development. Learn how the RTL team standardized on libvirt and developed a custom extension interfacing with R4D (Remote control For Device-under-test) to simplify hardware control in Jenkins. Discover the inner workings of libvirt/R4D and its integration with Jenkins through real-world examples from the RTL (CI-RT) test system. Gain insights into smoke tests for Real-Time Linux developers, including compile, boot, and latency regression tests on physical hardware. Presented by Anna-Maria Gleixner, a Junior Engineer in the Real-Time Linux Team at Linutronix GmbH, and Manuel Traut, a Software Specialist at Linutronix GmbH with extensive experience in building Linux BSPs and maintaining the embedded Linux build environment (ELBE).
Continuous Integration: Jenkins, libvirt and Real Hardware - Anna-Maria Gleixner & Manuel Traut
Taught by
Linux Foundation
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