Contained Chaos - Ensemble Consistency Testing for the Community Earth System Model
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
The National Center for Atmospheric Research
Community Earth System Model (CESM)
Need for Software Quality Assurance
Evaluating the difference
Our new approach: Ensemble Consistency Test
Ensemble Consistency Test (ECT)
Creation of and comparison with ensemble
Quantity ensemble variability
Hypothesis Testing based on Principal Components
ECT Procedure
How wel does CAM ECT work?
Do we really need year-long runs?
Counterexample 1: HYDRO-BASEFLOW
Counterexample 2: RAND
A highly accurate test leads to new challenges...
First step: identify affected variables
Next: convert source code to directed graph
Looking at the statistical details of the ECT.
The ECT scheme viewed as a series of RVS
Illustration of estimation bias of eigenvalues
Estimator and ensemble size effect on false positive rate
Alternative estimators for different ensemble sizes
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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