Connecting IoT Devices to Azure IoT Hub - Digital Agriculture Project
Offered By: Microsoft via YouTube
Course Description
- Intro
- IoT for Beginners, a free 24 lesson IoT curriculum -
- Catch the previous series -
- Get the kits from Seeed Studio -
- Migrating plants to the cloud using Azure IoT Hub.
- What is 'the cloud'?
- How big is the cloud?
- Azure, the developer cloud from Microsoft
- Sign up for Azure for free at
- Students can sign up for Azure for free at
- Cloud IoT services
- Connecting to cloud IoT services from your device and the rest of the cloud
- Cloud IoT service security
- Creating an Azure Resource Group, and an Azure IoT Hub instance
- How can an IoT device communicate with Azure IoT Hub?
- Device to cloud messages, cloud to device messages, direct method requests and device twins.
- Connecting a Raspberry Pi to Azure IoT Hub using Python
- Sending telemetry to Azure IoT Hub using Python
- Monitoring Azure IoT Hub messages in the Azure cloud shell
- Responding to direct methods on the IoT device
Taught by
Microsoft Reactor
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