Refining and Adding Details in ZBrush for Concept Art - Tutorial 3

Offered By: Reallusion via YouTube


ZBrush Courses 3d Modeling Courses UV Mapping Courses Character Design Courses Texturing Courses Concept Art Courses Digital Sculpting Courses

Course Description


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Dive into the third part of a comprehensive 7-part concept art tutorial series, focusing on refining and adding details in ZBrush. Learn advanced techniques for creating intricate character designs, including sculpting a cybernetic arm, crafting realistic draped fabric, and adding texture to a visor. Master the use of Insert Multimesh, ZRemeshing, UV creation, and Spotlight Projection to enhance your 3D character models. This 20-minute video tutorial, led by expert artist Kyle Brown, is part of a larger series that covers the entire process of creating concept art using Character Creator, Photoshop, ZBrush, and other tools.


Using Insert Multimesh
Sculpting the Cybernetic Arm
Creating Draped Fabric
ZRemeshing and Creating UVs to Create Fabric Texture
Creating the Visor
Using Spotlight Projection to Add Texture

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