Computer Vision Projects

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OpenCV Courses Machine Learning Courses Python Courses Computer Vision Courses Augmented Reality Courses Object Detection Courses Image Processing Courses Feature Detection Courses Gesture Recognition Courses Object Tracking Courses

Course Description


In this tutorial series, we would be working on hands-on projects using OpenCV and Python.
We shall begin with controlling volume using a hand gesture to change the volume on a computer and proceed to even work on a virtual calculator using openCV.


Gesture Volume Control | OpenCV Python 2021 | Computer Vision.
Virtual Drag and Drop using OpenCV Python | CVZone.
Hand Distance Measurement with Normal Webcam + Game | OpenCV Python.
AI ROBOT ARM using Python Arduino OpenCV CVZone | Computer Vision.
Parking Space Counter using OpenCV Python | Computer Vision.
AI Virtual Mouse | OpenCV Python | Computer Vision.
I tried building a Computer Vision Game in 12 Hours.
Hand Tracking 30 FPS using CPU | OpenCV Python (2021) | Computer Vision.
Object Detection OpenCV Python | Easy and Fast (2020).
Easy Programming of Tello Drone | Python OpenCV Object Tracking.
Traffic Signs Classification Using Convolution Neural Networks CNN | OPENCV Python.
OPTICAL MARK RECOGNITION (OMR) MCQ Automated Grading- OpenCV Python.
Text Detection using Neural Networks | OPENCV Python.
Document Scanner OPENCV PYTHON | Beginner Project.
Sudoku Solver | OpenCV Python Projects.
How to Detect QRCode and BarCode using OpenCV in Python + Project.
Robot Hand Gesture Controlled | Arduino & OpenCV.
Robot Arm Arduino Tutorial | Gesture Controlled (Part 1).
Facial Landmarks and Face Filter using OpenCV Python (2020).
Feature Detection and Matching + Image Classifier Project | OPENCV PYTHON 2020.
Panorama Stitching using OpenCV Python.
Augmented Reality with OpenCV using ArUco Markers (Python).
Basket Ball Shot Predictor using OpenCV Python | Computer Vision.
Virtual Calculator using OpenCV Python | Computer Vision.
Computer Vision Game using OpenCV Python | Velcro Dart Board.
Virtual Quiz Game using OpenCV Python | CVZone.
Virtual Zoom Gesture using OpenCV Python | CVZone.
Multiple Hand Gesture Control with OpenCV Python | CVZone.
AI Virtual Keyboard using OpenCV | Computer Vision | CVZone.
Background Removal Like Zoom | OpenCV Python CVZone.
Learn Object Classification in 20 mins | OpenCV CVZone Python.

Taught by

Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI

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