Complications of Hyperglycemia - High Blood Glucose Level

Offered By: Dr. Najeeb Lectures via YouTube


Diabetes Courses Endocrinology Courses Insulin Resistance Courses Metabolic Disorders Courses

Course Description


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Learn about the complications of hyperglycemia and high blood glucose levels in this comprehensive medical lecture. Explore the causes, symptoms, and effects of elevated blood sugar, including its impact on various body systems. Understand the differences between hyperglycemia in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and discover how factors like insulin resistance, stress, and the dawn phenomenon contribute to high blood glucose. Gain insights into proper blood sugar management, the importance of regular monitoring, and the potential risks of untreated hyperglycemia, such as nerve damage and diabetic ketoacidosis. Delve into the diagnostic criteria for diabetes and prediabetes, and learn about the role of insulin in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.


Complications of Hyperglycemia | High Blood Glucose Level

Taught by

Dr. Najeeb Lectures

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