Complex Dynamics in the Tropics - Partial Hyperbolicity in the Hénon Family

Offered By: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada via YouTube


Dynamical Systems Courses Julia Set Courses Bifurcations Courses Critical Points Courses

Course Description


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Explore complex dynamics in the tropics through this one-hour conference talk by R. Tanase on partial hyperbolicity in the Hénon family. Delve into topics such as Henon-like maps, quadratic handle maps, classical phenomena, and semiparabolic fixed points. Examine the Julia set, critical locus, and bifurcations while learning about finding hyperbolic maps and tangencies. Gain insights from this presentation, part of an international congress at IMPA celebrating Carsten Lunde Petersen's 60th birthday, featuring prominent researchers discussing the state of the art in the field.


Henonlike maps
Quadratic handle maps
Classical phenomenon
Milner and Berger
Benedict and Parmesano
Semiparabolic fixed points
Julias J
Critical Locus
Finding hyperbolic maps
Critical points
The Julia set
The Julia asset

Taught by

Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada

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