Complex Dynamics in the Tropics - Lattès Maps and Bifurcations

Offered By: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada via YouTube


Algebraic Variety Courses Bifurcation Theory Courses

Course Description


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Explore complex dynamics in the tropics through a 56-minute lecture on Lattès maps and bifurcations, delivered by L. de Marco at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada. Delve into the history of Lattès maps, examine example questions, and investigate finite intersections and modular spaces. Learn about uniform bounds and compare recent results in the field. Discover connections to quadratic polynomials, holomorphic dynamics, and bifurcation theory. Gain insights into bifurcation currents and algebraic varieties. Part of an international congress celebrating Carsten Lunde Petersen's 60th birthday, this talk unites prominent researchers to discuss the state of the art in complex dynamics.


Latts maps
Example question
Finite intersection
Modular space
Uniform bounds
Comparison to recent results
Bounding quadratic polynomials
holomorphic dynamics
bifurcation theory
bifurcation current
algebraic variety

Taught by

Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada

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