Complete Natural Language Processing Machine Learning Tutorial

Offered By: Krish Naik via YouTube


Machine Learning Courses Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Courses Named Entity Recognition Courses Text Preprocessing Courses Word Embeddings Courses Lemmatization Courses Stemming Courses Word2Vec Courses

Course Description


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Embark on a comprehensive journey through Natural Language Processing (NLP) in this extensive video tutorial. Learn the roadmap for mastering NLP, explore practical use cases, and dive into essential concepts such as tokenization, text preprocessing, and encoding. Gain hands-on experience with NLTK for stemming and lemmatization, and understand advanced topics like stopwords, parts of speech, and named entity recognition. Delve into various encoding techniques, word embeddings, and Word2Vec models, including an in-depth look at Skip-gram and its implementation. By the end of this tutorial, acquire the skills to contribute to open-source NLP projects and apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.


Roadmap To Learn NLP
Practical Usecases Of NLP
Tokenization And Basic Terminologies
Tokenization Practicals
Text Preprocessing Stemming Uing NLTK
Text Preprocessing Lemmatization USing NLTK
Stopwords, Parts Of Speech, NAmed Entity Recognition
Different types Of Encoding
Word Embedding, Word2vec
Skipgram Indepth Intuition
Average Word2vec With Implementation

Taught by

Krish Naik

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