Complete Natural Language Processing Tutorial in Python

Offered By: Keith Galli via YouTube


Natural Language Processing (NLP) Courses Python Courses BERT Courses Bag of Words Courses Lemmatization Courses Stemming Courses Word Vectors Courses Transformer Architecture Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive tutorial on Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Python, covering fundamental concepts to advanced techniques. Explore bag-of-words, word vectors, stemming, lemmatization, and spell correction. Learn about transformer architecture and state-of-the-art models like OpenAI GPT and BERT. Gain hands-on experience with popular libraries such as sklearn, spaCy, NLTK, and TextBlob. Build text classification models, implement regex pattern matching, and fine-tune transformer models. Culminate your learning by developing a high-performance model to classify Amazon review categories, suitable for learners of all skill levels.


- Announcements!
- Video overview & timeline
- Bag of words BOW overview
- Bag of words example code! sklearn | CountVectorizer, fit_transform
- Building a text classification model using bag-of-words SVM
- Predicting new utterances classes using our model transform
- Unigram, bigram, ngrams using consecutive words in your model
- Word vectors overview
- Word vectors example code! Using spaCy library
- Building a text classification model using word vectors
- Predicting new utterances using our model
- Regexes pattern matching in Python.
- Stemming/Lemmatization in Python text normalization w/ NLTK library
- Stopwords Removal removing most common words from sentences
- Various other techniques spell correction, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging.
- Recurrent Neural Networks RNNs for text classification
- Transformer architectures attention is all you need
- Writing Python code to leverage transformers BERT | spacy-transformers
- Writing a classification model using transformers/BERT
- Fine-tuning transformer models
- Bring it all together and build a high performance model to classify the categories of Amazon reviews!

Taught by

Keith Galli

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