Compiling SASS-SCSS with Gulp

Offered By: CodeTime via YouTube


Sass Courses Web Development Courses Ruby Courses Bootstrap Courses Node.Js Courses Web Design Courses Image Optimization Courses Gulp Courses

Course Description


Learn how to compile SASS/SCSS using Gulp in this comprehensive 30-minute tutorial. Begin by installing Node, followed by setting up Gulp and Ruby. Explore the process of compiling Bootstrap, implement syntax highlighting for improved code readability, and discover techniques for optimizing images. Master these essential skills to streamline your web development workflow and enhance your CSS preprocessing capabilities.


Compiling SASS/SCSS with Gulp, Part 1: Installing Node.
Compiling SASS/SCSS with Gulp, Part 2: Installing Gulp.
Compiling SASS/SCSS with Gulp, Part 3: Installing Ruby.
Compiling SASS/SCSS with Gulp, Part 4: Compiling Bootstrap.
Compiling SASS/SCSS with Gulp, Part 5: Syntax Highlighting.
Compiling SASS/SCSS with Gulp, Part 6: Image Optimization.

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