Comparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Service Mesh Courses Kubernetes Courses Microservices Courses Consul Courses Istio Courses Container Orchestration Courses API Gateways Courses Linkerd Courses Envoy Courses

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Explore a comprehensive comparison of current service mesh architectures in this informative conference talk. Delve into the differences between various service meshes and their components, including Envoy, Istio, Conduit, Linkerd, Kong, Aspen, and Consul. Gain insights into container orchestrators, API gateways, and client-side libraries service mesh methodologies. Learn about the key benefits and capabilities of service meshes, focusing on visibility, traffic management, resiliency, and security control for distributed application services. Examine different service mesh architectures, such as library, node agent, and sidecar, and understand their pros and cons. Compare features, performance factors, and benchmarks of popular service mesh offerings for Kubernetes and Mesos. Analyze load balancer performance data, including requests-per-second, latency, concurrency, and CPU usage. Discover recent testing results comparing Linkerd2 and Istio. Conclude with final thoughts on selecting the most suitable service mesh for different workloads.


What is a Service Mesh?
What Capabilities Does a Service Mesh Provide?
Key Benefits of a Service Mesh
Service Mesh Architectures
The Library Architecture
The Node Agent Architecture
The Sidecar Architecture
Service Mesh Offerings for Kubernetes and Mesos
Envoy's Sidecar Architecture
Istio's Sidecar Architecture and integration with Envoy
Linkerd 10 Node Agent/Sidecar Architecture
Linkerd2 Sidecar Architecture
Consul Node Agent Architecture
Aspen Mesh Sidecar Architecture and integration with Istio
Kong Enterprise Monolith, Microservice Service Mesh
AWS APP MESH Sidecar Architecture and Integration with Envoy
Linkerdland Linkerd 2 Feature Comparative Data
Some Service Mesh Feature Comparative Data Continued
Most Service Meshes use Prometheus with Grafana
Some Service Mesh Performance Factors
Some Service Mesh Comparative Performance Data
Load Balancer Requests-per-Second
Load Balancer Latency and Concurrency
Load Balancer CPU and Latency and Concurrency Performance Data - Disagreement
Hot Off the Press Testing - Linkerd2 vs Istio
Service Meshes Architecture Pros and Cons
Service Mesh Comparison Final Thoughts

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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