Commutant Lifting and Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation in Several Variables
Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of commutant lifting and Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation in multiple variables through this 47-minute lecture by Jaydeb Sarkar from the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore. Delivered as part of the Focus Program on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications at the Fields Institute, delve into topics such as Sarason's approach to NP interpolation, the Drury-Arveson space, multipliers, and the bidisk. Examine interconnections between various concepts, unify theories, and study practical examples of factorizations and NP interpolation. Gain insights into dilations and variations of the Halmos-CLT, while following a comprehensive road map that covers essential notation and culminates in a diagrammatic representation of the subject matter.
Road map
Nevonlinna-Pick interpolation
NP interpolation and Sarason
CLT (and Sarason)
Drury-Arveson space
Unification and more examples
The bidisc
Dilations and a variation of the H-CLT
The diagram
Factorizations - (Example)
NP interpolation - Example
Taught by
Fields Institute
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