Community Sustainability: How Can Open Source Communities Be Sustainable

Offered By: The ASF via YouTube


Community Management Courses Software Development Courses Value Proposition Courses Apache Way Courses

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Explore the critical factors that contribute to the long-term sustainability of open source communities in this 29-minute talk by tison, a Community Manager at StreamNative, Apache Member, and Incubator Mentor. Delve into the importance of thriving upstream communities for developers choosing open source software, and understand how clear value propositions, timely issue responses, and diverse developer groups contribute to community growth and expansion. Examine the Apache Way and Apache Project Maturity Model as methods for evaluating community diversity and development transparency. Learn from practical project cases to gain insights into how well-defined value propositions and a diverse user base can foster continuous community growth and ensure reliable returns for both individual contributors and enterprises deploying open source software.


Community Sustainability: How Can Open Source Communities Be Sustainable

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