Community Census: Understanding Users and Maintainer Personas with a Community Survey

Offered By: The ASF via YouTube


Apache Cordova Courses

Course Description


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Discover how to effectively assess and improve open source project health through community surveys and maintainer personas in this 19-minute conference talk. Learn the importance of understanding user demographics and maintainer roles in open source communities. Explore the process of conducting a community census to gather valuable insights about user preferences, pain points, and potential migration factors. Gain practical ideas for implementing surveys in your own projects to identify critical areas for improvement. Examine common maintainer personas and their roles in project governance beyond coding. Understand how aligning user expectations with maintainer perceptions can lead to better software development. Draw inspiration from the speaker's experience with Apache Cordova and the W3C WebView Community Group to enhance your open source project management skills.


Community census: Understanding users & maintainer personas with a community survey

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