How It's Made in ZBrush - Ian Robinson - Maxon ZBrush Trainer - ZBrush 2023

Offered By: Pixologic ZBrush via YouTube


ZBrush Courses 3d Modeling Courses Character Design Courses Texturing Courses Digital Sculpting Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a comprehensive 2-hour and 15-minute tutorial on ZBrush 2023, led by Maxon ZBrush Trainer Ian Robinson. Learn advanced techniques for character modeling, posing, and detailing as you follow along with the creation of a Watto figurine. Master essential ZBrush tools and workflows, including stand modeling, character posing, dice placement, vest and belt creation, and adding realistic textures. Gain insights on starting your ZBrush journey, navigation tips, and quick techniques for creating additional objects. Perfect for both beginners and experienced users looking to enhance their digital sculpting skills in ZBrush.


Waiting Loop
Today's Topic
Watto Stand Session
__ Non-ZBrush adjustments
__ Modeling an Amateure Stand
__ Scaling Stand dimension
Q How to snap Gizmo to edge
Q Block out a face with Spheres
Q __ ClipCurve for shaping
Q __ Move Topological Brush
Q __ Adding ears
Q __ Duplicate, Back Up
Q __ DynaMesh
__ Refining support stand
__ Fill color
__ Custom Edge Loops for Subdivide
Watto Posing Session
__ Reference, Research
__ Watto's test pose
__ Selecting what is needed
__ Center of Gravity positioning
__ Neck adjustment, rotation
__ Left Arm posing, softening discussion.
__ Right Arm posing, break and fix it.
__ Lower Leg posing, mask, soften
Q Repositioning mask during drawing
__ Fixing a fault, back-part [1]
__ Posing body, leg refinement
Q Camera adjusts via Gizmo
__ Adjusting the Stand
__ Fixing a fault, back-part [2]
Q Transpose all Subtools, Pizza-Box
Watto Dice Session
__ Position to fingers
Q Vertex colors and later use
__ Arm and hand position toward dice
Q Mask Lasso, hide edge loop to off
Q Posing and OCD, and relief
__ Posing finger
Q Hardest pose, relaxed ones
Q Selected Polygon, Delete, Hidden
__ Refining fingers
Tip AnatomyTools
__ Fixing wrist
Watto Vest, Belt, Session
__ CurveStrapSnap
__ Border Coloring, thickness
__ Refining vest
Q Hotkey, reset, pivot in place
Q Why is the G key highlighted
__ Adding noise to the vest
__ Adding noise to the belt
Q Noise in certain areas, mask
__ Noise Belt [cont]
Q Dynamic Thickness with Noise
Starting to Learn ZBrush
Q How long does it take to learn ZBrush
Q __ Series: Getting Started With ZBrush
Q __ Learning sculpting, learn ZBrush
__ Some tips on how to start, play!
__ Navigation
__ Try this, Insert more objects
Quick Cheese Session
__ Mask, more polygons
__ Polygroup
__ Polish By Groups
__ ZRemesher
__ Adding thickness
__ Additional Object
__ Dynamics
Wrapping Up
Thank you, Bye!

Taught by

Pixologic ZBrush

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