Combinatorial Quantization and BV Structures of Moduli of Flat Connections - Part 2

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Explore the advanced mathematical concepts of combinatorial quantization and BV structures in relation to moduli spaces of flat connections in this second part of a comprehensive lecture by A. Alekseev from the University of Geneva. Delve into the intricate interplay between quantization techniques and geometric structures, gaining insights into the mathematical foundations underlying moduli spaces. Examine the application of Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) formalism to these complex mathematical objects, and understand how these structures contribute to our understanding of quantum field theories and gauge theories. This in-depth, hour-long presentation offers a rigorous exploration of cutting-edge research in mathematical physics, suitable for advanced students and researchers in the field.


Combinatorial quantization and BV structures of moduli of flat connections, 2/2, A. Alekseev (UNIGE)

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