Collider Methods for Gravitational Physics - Status & Challenges Ahead - Julio ParraMartinez
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the cutting-edge developments in gravitational physics through this 44-minute conference talk by Julio ParraMartinez from Caltech. Delve into the impact of gravitational wave detection by Advanced LIGO/Virgo on various fields of physics, from field theory to stellar evolution and cosmology. Discover the emerging connections between theoretical communities, particularly field theorists and classical relativists. Learn about the future of gravitational wave research, including more sensitive ground-based detectors and potential space-based observatories. Understand the importance of precision modeling for gravitational-wave signals in interpreting strong events and searching for new physics. Gain insights into the collaborative efforts of experts from classical relativity, effective field theory, and scattering amplitudes communities as they address the challenges and needs of next-generation gravitational-wave experiments.
Collider methods for gravitational physics: status & challenges ahead▸ Julio ParraMartinez (Caltech)
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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