CoFTs for GLSMs
Offered By: IMSA via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a comprehensive lecture on Cohomological Field Theories (CoFTs) for Gauged Linear Sigma Models (GLSMs) presented by David Favero from the University of Alberta. Delve into the construction of enumerative invariants for GLSMs, based on joint work with Bumsig Kim, which generalizes both Gromov-Witten theory and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten (FJRW) theory. Examine the formation of a virtual fundamental class within the twisted Hodge complex over a "moduli space of maps to the GLSM." Investigate the Atiyah class of a "virtual matrix factorization" associated with GLSM data. Cover topics such as the general case, geometric phase, caveats, construction, embedding, quasimap theory, and chain realization throughout this 68-minute talk from the University of Miami.
General Case
Geometric Phase
quasimap theory
matrix factorization
chain realization
Taught by
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