Soil Dynamics
Offered By: NPTEL via YouTube
Course Description
Instructor: Prof. Deepankar Choudhury, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay.
This course discusses the behavior and properties/response of soil as a material subjected to dynamic or cyclic time-dependent loading. Also, the design and principle for machine foundations come along with this course to consider the dynamic properties of both soil and foundation as combined mass. The behavior of various geotechnical structures such as shallow and deep foundations, retaining structures, slopes, subgrade soil below the railway, pavement, runway due to various types of time-dependent dynamic loading are discussed here with reference to codal provisions. The advanced course material on soil dynamics will be very useful to undergraduate students, post-graduate students, researchers, teachers and practitioners. A number of selected problems will be solved to illustrate the concepts clearly.
Mod-01 Lec-01 L1-Introduction.
Mod-02 Lec-02 L2-Degrees of Freedom, SDOF System, Types of Vibrations.
Mod-02 Lec-03 L3-SDOF System, Types of Vibrations, Free Vibration.
Mod-02 Lec-04 L4-Problems on Tortional Motion.
Mod-02 Lec-05 L5-Damped Free Vibrations.
Mod-02 Lec-06 L6-Damped Free Vibrations, Definition of Critical Damping and problems.
Mod-02 Lec-07 L7-Decay of Motion.
Mod-02 Lec-08 L8-Forced Vibrations, Dynamic Magnification Factor.
Mod-02 Lec-09 L9-Maxwells Diagram of DMF, Discussion on Phase.
Mod-02 Lec-10 L10-Transmissibility Ratio, Response to Arbitrary, Step and Pulse Excitations.
Mod-02 Lec-11 L11-Response to Arbitrary, Step and Pulse Excitations, Response to Impact Load.
Mod-02 Lec-12 L12-Vibration Isolation, Vibrations Measuring Instruments.
Mod-02 Lec-13 L13-Solutions of Quiz Questions, Multi-Degree of Freedom (MDOF) Systems.
Mod-02 Lec-14 L14-(MDOF) System : Equation of Motion, Longitudinal Waves in an Infinitely long rod.
Mod-03 Lec-15 L15-3 Dimensional Wave Propagation, Waves in semi-infinite media, Rayleigh Wave.
Mod-03 Lec-16 L16-Love Wave, Waves in layered medium, 3D case-Inclined wave, Earthquake Waves.
Mod-03 Lec-17 L17-Earthquake Waves; P-waves, S-waves, 3 circle method.
Mod-04 Lec-18 L18-Stresses in Soil Element, Field Tests, Seismic Reflection Test.
Mod-04 Lec-19 L19-Seismic Refraction Test, SASW Test, Laboratory & Model Tests.
Mod-04 Lec-20 L20-Centrifuge Tests Stress Strain Behavior of Cyclically Loaded Soils.
Mod-04 Lec-21 L21-Estimation of Gmax, Modulus Reduction Curves.
Mod-04 Lec-22 L22-Liquefaction, Preliminary sceening, Simplified Procedure for Liquefaction.
Mod-04 Lec-23 L23-Cyclic Stress Ratio, Evaluation of CRR, Correction Factors, Corrections for SPT.
Mod-04 Lec-24 L24-Becker Penetrometer Test (BPT), Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT), SPT v BPT, SASW Test.
Mod-05 Lec-25 L25-Types of Machine Foundations, Methods of Analysis.
Mod-05 Lec-25 L25-Types of Machine Foundations, Methods of Analysis.
Mod-05 Lec-26 L26-Tschebotarioff's.
Mod-05 Lec-27 L27-Problem on Tschebotarioff's method contd., Mass-Spring-Dashpot (MSD) Model.
Mod-05 Lec-28 L28-MSD Model- Yawing mode of Vibration, Use of MSD model for analysis.
Mod-05 Lec-29 L29-Problems on Use of MSD Model for Analysis, Rocking mode of Vibrations.
Mod-05 Lec-30 L30-Torsional Mode/Yawing Mode, Constant Force type excitation, EHS Theory.
Mod-05 Lec-31 L31-EHS Theory, Vibrational Control.
Mod-05 Lec-32 L32-Use of EHS Theory for analysis.
Mod-05 Lec-33 L33-Use of EHS Theory for analysis II.
Mod-06 Lec-34 L34-Liquefaction mitigation methods,Vibro Compaction,Densification Techniques.
Mod-06 Lec-35 L35-Soil Improvement methods,Dynamic Compaction,Reinforcement Techniques.
Mod-07 Lec-36 L36-Force-based Analysis,Dynamic analysis using MSD model.
Mod-07 Lec-37 L37-Behaviour of Subgrade Soil below Rail Track.
Mod-07 Lec-38 L38-Quiz.
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