Ciprian Demeter - Restriction of Exponential Sums to Hypersurfaces
Offered By: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a 59-minute lecture on moment inequalities for exponential sums with respect to singular measures, focusing on curved hypersurfaces. Delve into the work of Ciprian Demeter and Bartosz Langowski as they present sharp estimates relative to the scale parameter N, with only Nϵ losses. Examine key concepts such as distribution lattice structure, parabolic critical exponents, and Hardy-Littlewood lemmas. Investigate square root cancellation, corollaries, and scale-independent results while gaining insights into hard conjectures and their potential explanations.
First example
lattice structure
critical exponent
possible explanation
Hardy Littlelemma
Hard conjecture
Hard conjecture 3
Square root cancellation
scale independent results
Taught by
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
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