Creating Soft Body Dynamic Strings in Cinema 4D
Offered By: eyedesyn via YouTube
Course Description
Learn to create dynamic springs using Cinema 4D's Soft Body Dynamics in this 23-minute tutorial. Explore the 'Made of Clones' option, set up an Emitter for Soft Body Dynamic Clones, and use a Tracer Object for spline dynamic type simulations. Discover tips for adjusting settings to achieve different string viscosities, delve into the Dynamics 'Expert' tab for more accurate simulations, and create Sweep Objects to generate string geometry. Follow along with topics including Cloner setup, Emitter configuration, Dynamic Spline creation, and geometry adjustments. Apply these techniques to create visually striking dynamic string effects in your 3D animations.
Spaghetti from the Sky
Soft Body Dynamics
Collider Object
Removing Springs
Creating an Emitter
Rotating the Emitter
Emitter Size
Dynamic Spline
Connecting the Spline
Creating Geometry
Prevent Intersecting
Linear Dampening
Spline Interpolation
Rounded Strings
Adjusting Timescale
Creating a Collider
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