Chess Endgames

Offered By: Chess.com via YouTube


Chess Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive 3.5-hour video series exploring the intricacies of chess endgames. Master essential techniques like the Reti Idea, king and pawn vs. king scenarios, and various checkmate patterns including queen, rook, and two bishops. Learn to convert extra pawns, utilize zugzwang, and study shocking endgame depths with insights from chess experts Shankland and Hess. Enhance your understanding of critical endgame tactics and strategies, preparing you to confidently navigate the final stages of chess games where kings emerge as key players and pawns become game-changing forces.


Chess Endgames: The Reti Idea.
Chess Endgames: King and Pawn vs King.
Chess Endgames: King and Pawn vs King 2.
Chess Endgames: Checkmating with a Queen.
Chess Endgames: Checkmating with a Rook.
Chess Endgames: Converting the Extra Pawn.
Chess Endgames: Mating with Two Bishops.
Chess Endgames: Shankland's Shocking Depth.
Chess Endgames: Hess' Scintillating Endgame Tactics.
Chess Endgames: Knight & Bishop Checkmate!.
Chess Endgames: Shankland's Shocking Depth.
Chess Endgames: Hess' Scintillating Endgame Tactics.
Chess Endgames: Knight & Bishop Checkmate!.
Chess Endgames: Mating with Two Bishops.
Chess Endgames: Checkmating with a Rook.
Chess Endgames: Checkmating with a Queen.
Chess Endgames: Rook & Extra Pawn.
Chess Endgames: Rook & Extra Pawn.
Chess Endgames: Using Zugzwang!.

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