Chemically Active Droplets - Part II

Offered By: BSS Physics School via YouTube


Biophysics Courses Microfluidics Courses Reaction-Diffusion Systems Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating world of chemically active droplets in this comprehensive lecture delivered by D. Zwicker at the BSS Physics School. Delve into advanced concepts and theories surrounding this intriguing topic, building upon previous knowledge. Gain valuable insights through in-depth discussions, problem-solving exercises, and practical applications. Access additional materials, problem sets, and resources to enhance your understanding of chemically active droplets and their significance in physics. Expand your scientific knowledge and analytical skills in this engaging 1 hour and 34 minute session, part of the Boulder School 2024 program.


Chemically active droplets II - D. Zwicker (July 9, BSS 2024)

Taught by

BSS Physics School

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