Chemical Sedimentary Rock Textures - Cement, Replacement, Veins, Oolites

Offered By: GEO GIRL via YouTube


Geology Courses Metamorphism Courses Diagenesis Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of chemical sedimentary rock textures in this comprehensive 22-minute video. Delve into the differences between detrital and crystalline textures before mastering essential terminology for crystalline rocks. Examine various cement fabrics, distinguishing between sedimentary diagenesis and metamorphism. Investigate recrystallization and replacement fabrics, learning to determine relative ages of chemical precipitates in rocks. Study vein fillings and their fibrous textures, and differentiate between oolites, pisolites, peloids, and spherulites. Gain valuable insights into biogenic materials and their role in sedimentary rock formation.


video outline
detrital vs crystalline textures
crystalline texture terminology
cement textures/fabrics
sedimentary diagenesis vs metamorphism
cement textures/fabrics
recrystallization textures/fabrics
replacement textures/fabrics
fractures & vein fillings
oolites vs pisolites vs peloids vs spherulites
biogenic materials
related videos & references

Taught by


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