Charting the COVID Long Haul Experience - A Longitudinal Exploration of Symptoms, Activity, and Challenges

Offered By: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) via YouTube


Data Integration Courses Electronic Health Records Courses Persuasive Design Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive longitudinal study on COVID Long Haul (CLH) patients in this 16-minute conference talk from the CHI 2024: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Delve into the complex presentation of CLH symptoms, their impact on patients' lives, and the challenges faced in adhering to clinical recommendations. Gain insights from a 3-month cohort study involving 14 CLH patients, combining objective data from electronic health records and Fitbit logs with subjective information from weekly surveys and interviews. Discover the potential of integrating various data streams and persuasive heuristics in designing solutions for this emerging chronic illness population.


Charting the COVID Long Haul Experience - A Longitudinal Exploration of Symptoms, Activity, and C...

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