Charting a Course Through Enterprise Architecture

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Software Development Courses Enterprise Architecture Courses

Course Description


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Explore enterprise architecture through a panel discussion featuring industry experts Randy Shoup, Kevlin Henney, Ola Bini, and Eva Andreasson at GOTO Aarhus 2014. Delve into the complexities of describing software systems within business contexts, examining whether enterprise architecture is a meaningful approach or merely an excuse for legacy software and convoluted IT structures. Investigate the considerations that impact development in enterprise environments, and discover which technologies and practices can either enhance or impede progress. Gain insights from the panelists' experiences at companies like eBay, Google, ThoughtWorks, and Cloudera as they chart a course through the challenges and opportunities of enterprise architecture.


Charting a Course Through Enterprise Architecture • Shoup, Henney, Bini & Andreasson • GOTO 2014

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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