Electrical Switching of Magnetic Order in Intrinsic Chern Insulators

Offered By: PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube


Topological Insulators Courses Magnetism Courses Graphene Courses Chern Insulators Courses Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating world of intrinsic magnetic Chern insulators in this 55-minute lecture by Charles Tschirhart from PCS Institute for Basic Science. Delve into the electrical switching of magnetic order in moiré superlattice systems, including graphene and transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures. Learn about the advantages of these systems over traditional magnetic Chern insulators, and discover how their intrinsic magnetism allows for electronic control. Examine two mechanisms for electronic switching of magnetization: topological contributions and intrinsic spin-orbit torques. Investigate these phenomena in twisted bilayer graphene, twisted monolayer/bilayer graphene, and AB-MoTe2/WSe2 through transport measurements and magnetic imaging using nanoSQUID microscopy. Gain insights into magnetic hysteresis loops, optical imaging, local probes, and anomalous Hall resistance. Understand the significance of first-order transitions and the Spin Hall Effect in these systems. Conclude with a summary of the observed phenomena and their implications for future technologies in the field of intrinsic Chern insulators.


Magnetic insulators
Hall effect
Synthetic current insulators
Other advantages
Twisted graphene
Magnetic hysteresis loop
Optical image
Magnetic order
Local probe
Magnetic contrast
Anomalous Hall resistance
New phenomena
Transport data
Squid response
First order transition
Summary of phenomenon
Spin Hall Effect
Intrinsic Chern insulators
Gregory Polson

Taught by

PCS Institute for Basic Science

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