Changing Photos from Day to Night - Making a Dark City Street in Adobe Photoshop CC

Offered By: Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay] via YouTube


Adobe Photoshop Courses Photo Editing Courses Night Photography Courses Image Retouching Courses Lighting Effects Courses

Course Description


Learn how to transform a daytime street photo of London into a captivating nighttime scene using Adobe Photoshop CC. Master advanced retouching techniques to create a dark city atmosphere, add dramatic lighting effects, and establish a compelling focal point. Follow along as the tutorial covers essential steps including Camera Raw adjustments, horizon correction, color grading, masking, and the addition of ambient light and glare effects. Gain valuable insights into professional photo manipulation techniques that will elevate your digital imaging skills and help you create stunning urban night scenes.


The images
Camera Raw
Adding lights
Adjusting horizon
Adding colors
Adding glare
Adding ambient light

Taught by

Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]

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