Challenges of Using Containers to Run Graphical Embedded Systems

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Containers Courses Embedded Systems Courses Docker Courses Linux Courses Containerization Courses Wayland Courses

Course Description


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Explore the challenges and solutions for running graphical applications in containers on embedded systems in this 35-minute conference talk from the Linux Foundation. Delve into the complexities of containerizing graphical subsystems on ARM SOCs, focusing on X11 and Wayland applications. Examine the advantages of containerization over traditional monolithic embedded OS approaches, while considering potential drawbacks and limitations. Gain insights into various software setups, security and isolation measures, and support for accelerated graphics and video decoding. Learn about running X11 and Wayland apps in containers, hardware considerations, open-source graphics stacks, and performance comparisons using different setups like Fedora 38 on Apalis i.MX6 and etnaviv on i.MX6 in Docker. Discover simple security tips and understand the intricacies of using containers for graphical embedded systems.


What this session is about
What are containers?
Host vs container
How to run X11 app in a container
How to run Wayland app in a container
Open source graphics stack
Fedora 38 on Apalis i.MX6 - basic boot
Fedora 38 on Apalis i.MX6 - Weston
Using etnaviv on i.MX6 in Docker
Using Vivante on i.MX8QM in docker
Performance - X11 with etnaviv (i.MX6Q)
Sone simple security tips

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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