Cesta do hlbín mozgu - Inovatívna liečba Parkinsonovej choroby
Offered By: TEDx via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the groundbreaking advancements in treating Parkinson's disease through this TEDx talk by Veronika Magočová, a pioneering neurosurgeon from Slovakia. Discover how she introduced the innovative frameless method for deep brain stimulation to her country, revolutionizing the approach to this neurodegenerative disorder. Learn about Magočová's remarkable achievement of performing the first brain surgery of its kind in Slovakia at the age of 28, leading a team in implementing this cutting-edge technique for patients with Parkinson's disease. Gain insights into the challenges and triumphs of bringing new medical procedures to a country, and be inspired by Magočová's determination, innovative spirit, and humility as she represents the kind of professional making significant strides in healthcare.
Cesta do hlbín mozgu | Veronika Magočová | TEDxBratislava
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