Central Polynumbers and SL(2)/SU(2) Characters - Math Foundations 235

Offered By: Insights into Mathematics via YouTube


Lie Groups Courses Complex Numbers Courses Representation Theory Courses Rational Numbers Courses Polynumbers Courses

Course Description


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Explore a novel approach to the representation theory of Lie groups SL(2) and SU(2) in this 35-minute mathematics lecture. Delve into an elementary algebraic method that differs from standard texts, focusing on the central role of general polynumbers C_n. Examine the mset approach to arithmetic, incorporating particle/anti-particle duality from modern physics. Investigate how this perspective aligns with the goal of conducting pure mathematics correctly, avoiding "completed infinite processes" and "arithmetic with real numbers" in favor of rational numbers and complex number extensions. Gain insights into Lie theory and modern physics through topics such as SL2 representations, Lu factorization, and Lu decomposition.


SL2 representations
Lu factorization
Lu decomposition

Taught by

Insights into Mathematics

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