Caught in the Cosmic Web - Framing the Big Picture of the Slow Quenching of Massive Galaxies

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Cosmic Web Courses Cosmology Courses Observational Astronomy Courses Galaxy Formation Courses

Course Description


Explore the intricate relationship between the cosmic web and galaxy evolution in this conference talk from the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Delve into the slow quenching process of massive galaxies and its connection to the large-scale structure of the universe. Examine observational data from the VIPERS survey, focusing on galaxy distribution, filament identification, and the role of mergers in galaxy evolution. Gain insights into the theoretical framework of galaxy formation and quenching channels, with particular emphasis on the Green Valley phenomenon. Analyze the impact of galaxy pairs, simultaneous mergers, and the cosmic web on the evolution of massive galaxies. Discover a new vehicle diagram that illustrates these complex relationships and enhances our understanding of cosmic structure formation and galaxy evolution across cosmic time.


Diversity of galaxies
quenching channels
slow quenching
Green Valley
Theoretical framework
Vipers survey
Galaxy distribution
Identifying pairs
Distance to filaments
Merged halos
Galaxy pairs
Simultaneous mergers
Massive galaxies
New vehicle diagram

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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