Catia V5 R20 Generative Sheet Metal Design Tutorial in Hindi
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
sweept walls in catia v5/Generative sheet metal design tutorial in Hindi Part2/wallcommand incatia.
Sheet metal tutorial in Hindi.
RECOGNIZE Command in detail /sheet metal tutorial part 3 in HINDI.
Surfacic hopper in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
conic hopper in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
Free form surface in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
rolled wall definition in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
Bend command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
Bend from flat command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
folding and unfolding command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
point or curve mapping command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
cut out definition command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
hole command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
CORNER RELIEF command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
Just For Laughs Gags | Compilation Perfect Funny Pranks HD #25.
SURFACE STAMP command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
bead command in detail/ generative sheet metal design tutorial in hindi.
Catia V5 Tutorial|Curve Stamp|Sheetmetal Workbench | how to create curve stamp on a sheet.
Louver Stamp|Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
how to create flanged cut out in catia v5 r20how to create flange cut out in catiav5.
BRIDGE Stamp|Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
Flanged Hole definition |Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
CIRCULAR STAMP definition |Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
STIFFENING RIB definition |Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
DOWEL HOLE definition |Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
USER DEFINE STAMP Definition |Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
USER DEFINE STAMP Definition |Sheetmetal Workbench Catia V5 Tutorial in hindi.
Taught by
Design Katta
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