Canonical Wall Structures via Punctured Gromov-Witten Theory
Offered By: IMSA via YouTube
Course Description
Explore canonical wall structures in logarithmic Calabi-Yau pairs through a 59-minute lecture by Bernd Siebert from the University of Texas at Austin. Delve into the construction of consistent wall structures, examining the compatibility between intrinsic mirror construction and earlier approaches using wall structures and generalized theta functions. Learn about recent advances in punctured Gromov-Witten theory and gluing formulas, which have enabled this breakthrough. Cover topics such as affine structure, cone structure, negative contact orders, consistency, broken lines, Gishans formula, displacement vector, and GM action. Gain insights into the collaborative work with Mark Gross and its implications for mirror symmetry in algebraic geometry.
Main Results
Intrinsic mirror symmetry
Affine structure
Cone Structure
Negative Contact Orders
Main Theorem
Broken Lines
Gishans Formula
Displacement Vector
GM Action
Taught by
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