Cancer Genomics Consortium 2023 Webinar Series - CGC 2022 Annual Meeting Poster Winners
Offered By: Cancer Genomics Consortium via YouTube
Course Description
Ovarian Cancer Survival
Surgical Biopsies
High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
Analysis Strategy
Ground Truths
singleR Annotation
Manual Annotation
100% Reproducible / Colab Code
Final scRNA Annotations
Applied to scRNA (Discovery)
Applied to Bulk Data (Recovery)
Semenkovich Home Research Team
Example: Quiet genome without correction
Example: Detected copy event without correction
Example: Cutoff for calling copy even adjusted
Example: Recentering with adjusted cutoff
Copy number alteration is common, some cases extensive
Correlation may increase when split by diagnosis
Correlation changed with combined cohort
GISTIC-Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer
GISTIC identifies 24 recurrently altered regions in Wash U
Some recurrently altered regions associated with changes in survival contain known cancer genes
Clustering shows possible patterns among recurrent regions containing known cancer genes
Taught by
Cancer Genomics Consortium
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