Can FOSS CAD Compete? Evaluating Ondsel - An Improved FreeCAD
Offered By: Teaching Tech via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a comprehensive comparison of free and open-source CAD software options in this 17-minute video. Dive into an analysis of Ondsel, an improved version of FreeCAD, and compare it with other popular CAD tools like Onshape and Fusion360. Learn about the strengths and limitations of each software, including features such as constraints, sketch editing, body management, and timelines. Gain insights into the value of open-source software versus productivity, and discover potential improvements for Ondsel. Whether you're a CAD enthusiast or a professional looking for alternative design tools, this video offers a balanced perspective on the current state of FOSS CAD software and its ability to compete with proprietary options.
Download and installation
Simple reference shape in Onshape
Comparison in Ondsel, FreeCAD and Fusion360
Temporary inconveniences vs actual limitations
Missing constraints and editing sketches
Only one shape/feature per sketch
Manual management of bodies
No timeline
Topological naming problem
The value of open source vs productivity
Ondsel improvements over FreeCAD
Ondsel wishlist
Taught by
Teaching Tech
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