Can Co-Design Promote Equity in Global Health?

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


TEDx Courses Equity Courses Global Health Courses Co-Design Courses

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Explore the potential of co-design in promoting equity within global health programs through this insightful TEDx talk. Delve into the challenges of implementing one-size-fits-all approaches and misaligned priorities in local contexts, and discover how co-design can center communities in global health initiatives. Learn from Dr. Rachel Hall-Clifford, a medical anthropologist with extensive fieldwork experience in Guatemala, as she proposes co-design as a tool for rebalancing power dynamics and increasing program success. Gain valuable insights into the application of social science approaches in global health research and implementation, and understand the importance of community-centered solutions in achieving better health outcomes worldwide.


Can co-design promote equity in global health? | Rachel Hall-Clifford | TEDxEmory

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