C++ Regular Types Revisited - Concepts and Applications in STL

Offered By: CppCon via YouTube


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Explore the concept of "Regular" types in C++ and their importance in STL design principles through this CppCon 2023 talk by Victor Ciura. Delve into the foundational role of regular types in programming, examining their impact on STL data structures and algorithms. Investigate how modern C++ vocabulary types like string_view, span, optional, and expected raise new questions about value types, whole-part semantics, copies, composite objects, ordering, and equality. Learn the crucial aspects of designing and implementing regular types for everyday programming and library design, understanding how proper type constraints lead to intuitive usage and how breaking subtle contracts can result in unexpected behavior. Gain insights into the relationship between Regular types and STL constructs, with practical examples, common pitfalls, and guidance for effective C++ programming.


C++ Regular, Revisited - Victor Ciura - CppCon 2023

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