C Programming in Hindi

Offered By: Great Learning via YouTube


C Programming Courses Pointers Courses Unions Courses

Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive journey through C programming with this 5-hour Hindi tutorial. Master the fundamentals, including syntax, data types, variables, and flow control statements. Explore arrays, functions, and pointers while gaining practical insights through demonstrations and examples. Delve into advanced topics such as structures and unions, equipping yourself with the skills needed to excel in this versatile and widely-used programming language. Perfect for beginners and those looking to solidify their C programming knowledge, this course provides a strong foundation for future software development endeavors.


Introduction to C.
Installation - Dev C++.
C Syntax and Hello World.
Preprocessor Directives.
Comments and Tokens.
Data types.
Working with Numbers.
Math Library in C.
Conditional Statements.
Nested loops.
Storing data in C.
Arrays in C.
Functions in C.
Pointers in C.
Structures in C.
Union in C.

Taught by

Great Learning

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