Moving Faster - Everyday Efficiency in Modern C++
Offered By: CppNow via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the importance of efficiency in modern C++ programming through this comprehensive conference talk from C++Now 2018. Delve into the misconception that performance no longer matters due to advanced hardware, and discover why computers often feel slower today than 30 years ago. Learn about efficiency tools in modern C++ and techniques for writing high-performance code elegantly and expressively. Cover topics such as tuning vs. optimizing, value vs. reference semantics, unions and variants, move semantics, forwarding, container choice, in-place construction, and container node handling. Gain insights on writing optimal code, compiler optimizations, caches, dynamic and static allocation, passing and returning values, perfect forwarding, and choosing the right containers for your needs.
A 30 Year Tale
What are we doing wrong?
When does efficiency matter?
Writing optimal code
Compiler optimizations
Caches • Many of us grew up with simple architectures
Dynamic allocation
Static allocation
Embedded objects
Sharing space
Pass by value
Pass by const reference
Pass by non-const reference
Passing vector by value
Passing vector by r-value reference
Passing vector by non-const reference
Return by value
Return rules
Return Examples - Bad
Moving a string
Perfect Forwarding
Add - A Case Study
Container Choice
Vector vs. Array vs. C-array
List vs. Vector
List vs. Deque vs. Vector
Set/Map vs. Vector
Set vs. Vector
Taught by
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