Building Immersive WebVR with 2D Content

Offered By: WeAreDevelopers via YouTube


WeAreDevelopers World Congress Courses Optical Illusions Courses WebVR Courses

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Explore the possibilities of using existing 2D media content as a foundation for WebVR projects in this 21-minute conference talk by Olga Dmitricenko at WeAreDevelopers Conference 2017. Discover how to create immersive virtual reality experiences on the web using the right perspective and optical illusions. Learn innovative techniques for transforming 2D content into engaging WebVR projects, opening up new avenues for interactive and immersive web development. Gain insights into the potential of WebVR and its applications in leveraging existing media assets for creating captivating virtual experiences.


Building Immersive WebVR with 2D Content - Olga Dmitricenko @ WeAreDevelopers Conference 2017

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